Sunday, September 27, 2009

:: I Heart Breakfast ::

Hands down, my favorite meal is breakfast. I could eat breakfast food any time of day. Eggs, potatoes, bacon and all types of bread... the possibilities are endless. My hubby and son love breakfast food, too. So, on Friday's we have breakfast for dinner. Sometimes we even put on our jammies to eat. It's a lot of fun.
One Friday, I was going through the fridge and pantry trying to decide what to make, and I kept looking at these sweet potatoes we had bought about a week earlier. I really needed to use them, but I couldn't think of how.... then it came to me... Sweet Potato Hash with Fried Eggs.
From that Friday on, I have made that same meal about three or four times. We love it. I don't have a recipe, since I made it up as I cooked, but here are some of the basics:

Sweet Potato Hash

Sweet Potato Hash
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large or 2 medium sweet potatoes
1/2 an onion
1/2 medium green pepper
2 garlic cloves, grated
1 small apple
1/2 can of chicken broth
salt and pepper

Heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Dice the potatoes into even cubes and add them to the pan and cook for several minutes. Once I add them to the pan, I try not to move them around, so they will get that awesome brown color. Then I add the diced onion and green pepper (I try to chop the pepper about the same size as the potatoes), and cook for a few more minutes, until they start to brown. Then I add the apples (chopped about the same size as the potatoes and peppers), grate the garlic into the pan, and then add the chicken broth. I simmer everything in the pan until the broth reduces and the sweet potatoes and apples are tender. Salt and pepper to taste. *Okay, I don't write recipes, so this is really just a guesstimate. You may need to tweak a few things.
I put the hash into a bowl and add a fried egg to the top of it. There's nothing better than cutting into the yolk and all that eggy goodness oozing onto the hash. Yeah, that's yummy for ya!! I guess you could use regular potatoes, too. I've never tried it, but I am sure it would taste great.
If you have any questions, let me know. And if you haven't tried it before, you should really give 'breakfast for dinner' a shot... you may love it!

Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

:: Something Spooky is Brewing... ::

Well, I finally finished reading/studying/drooling over the new Martha Stewart Halloween magazine. And of course, I love it. That's no big surprise. I have every Halloween book and magazine that Martha has ever published. I love the ideas. And reading this particular mag has definitely got me in the holiday "spirit". (Sorry, puns are fun.)
First of all, I absolutely
looooove the cover of the magazine. The creepy Equestrian costume is awesome. If I only had a horse. It goes without saying that this magazine is just "oozing" with inspiration. (See how fun puns can be?) Now, you should know that there are several recycled ideas in the magazine, like the long-nosed jack-o-lanterns and the starburst pumpkin sconces, just to name a few. I mean, if you haven't seen them before then it's no big deal, but most die-hard Martha fans will recognize them instantly.
The best ideas in the mag are actually from the
Grandinroad advertisement section where Ms. Martha is selling some of her original decorations. Now, I don't know about you, but I personally don't have the means to drop $200 on one spooky yard display. Yikes. But what I DO have is an uber-talented hubby (who happens to be an amazing artist) who can recreate some of the ideas in this section. From the eerie black witch yard silhouettes to the amazing highly-detailed gravestones, I have plenty of projects to keep my man busy this season!
Just a side note here, as I was finding the links for all of my references, I noticed that the "highly-detailed gravestones" are no longer available. There's no explanation as to why they are no longer available, so if you were looking to grab a few of them, you're out of luck.
If I were to sum up Martha's Halloween decorating mantra this year, I would have to say it would be
GLITTER!!!! Yes, glittered Halloween decorations. Glittered skulls, glittered bones, glittered bugs, glittered pumpkins, glittered silhouettes... GLITTER! And hey, I loves me some glitter, so I actually think this is a fantastic idea. But if glitter isn't your thing... I guess your Halloween will just be a little less sparkly.
Here are some of my absolute faves from the magazine (and just so you know, these images came straight from

So, I have designated this Sunday as our "Official Halloween Decorating Day." It's official. Seriously. I am going to pull out all my decorations and take inventory of what I have, and decide what I want to add. This year is going to be a bit different, though. Instead of spending a ton of money on new decorations, I intend to make everything this year. So, the only store bought items will be faux cobwebs, plastic bugs and spiders, and glitter. Other than that.... it will ALL be homemade. Once I get my house "haunted" I will be sure to post photos.
If you haven't picked up a copy of Martha's Halloween magazine yet, and you are lucky enough to find one on the racks, grab it! It's inspiring and fun and creepy and silly... just what Halloween should be.


Monday, September 14, 2009

:: Hey, Look at Me! I'm a Cartoon! ::

Well, here it is... my new blog design! Yay!!
I have been working with the absolutely fabulous ladies over at Smitten Blog Designs, and I must say my blog turned out even better than I expected! Heather and Kate are wonderful to work with, and I HIGHLY recommend them if you are in the market for a new blog layout. They even sent me background artwork to use on my Twitter account. I know, they're fantastic, aren't they?!?
I am still tweaking the links on the right, but I should have them exactly where I want them by this evening. And more posts are coming soon... yippee!
I hope that all of you are having a super day this Monday! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

:: Behold the Awesomeness... ::

... the awesomeness that is the new Martha Stewart Halloween special edition magazine.

I will give you a moment to process the sheer greatness of this legendary publication.

I just got it... I found it hiding on the racks at Kroger. There were only three copies left. They only get one shipment, according to the night manager. Whew, that was close. Too close.
So, I am sitting down now to read it, with a Dr. Pepper and a York Peppermint Pattie. I will report on all its fabulously eerie and incredibly spooky goodness tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

:: So Long, Summer ::

Goodbye August! I don't want to see you or your stinkin' 100-degree days for at least another year.
I must say, I am happy to see this summer coming to an end. We set weather records here almost every day, and having over 50 days with temps reaching well into the 100's is no fun. It was the hottest summer on record for our area... we beat the previous record from way back in 1916. Boo.
As you all know, my favorite season is fall. I cannot wait for fall to get here. Can. Not. Wait. I'm so ready. I seriously love fall. Seriously.
I was going through some photos on my computer, and I came across pics from our trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. We all had a super fun time. Well, we all had a super fun time, except for Benjamin. He was in a bad mood the entire day. He was only happy once we got to the gift shop, where he scored a neat little faux aquarium with plastic fish.

Granny Weez, Ben and a Big Scary Shark

Ben Before the Gift Shop

Ben After the Gift Shop

We didn't do too much traveling this summer, but we did spend a couple of weeks with my parents, which was nice. I enjoyed having a lazy summer. Compared to last year, this summer season was much more quiet and restful. But I am ready for some change. Nicer weather and busier schedules... sounds good to me.
One of the biggest changes for me this fall is that I will begin a new job! An actual job. I know... Me. Working. Crazy right? It's a part-time job in social service, and I am super excited about it. It will be fun, and the work is right up my alley. After five years at home raising my little man, I am looking forward to being around other adults for a few hours a day.
I hope all of you had a wonderful summer, too. And thanks for following all of my adventures...