Tuesday, December 29, 2009

:: New Year, New Blog Resolution ::

Oh, my poor abandoned blog... I promise I haven't forgotten about you. Things have just been insanely crazazy around here these past few months, and to be honest, my blog was the last thing on my mind. I am gearing up for a fun-filled New Year's holiday with my family, but I will return to my blog the first week of January. Promise. No, really, I promise. I am making a resolution to post at least three times a month. I know it doesn't sound like that much of a commitment, but trust me, with my schedule, it definitely is. Plus, if I end up posting more than three times a month, I will feel like I have really accomplished something.
So, to all my blog buddies out there in cyberland, I hope you have a wonderful, fun, safe and memorable New Year's holiday. See ya in 2010!